A vision of environmental regeneration, with thought-provoking artistic representations of viable futures that nurture symbiotic socio-ecological systems that thrive within planetary boundaries.
The purpose of Terra Sapiens is to create images and experiences that address the issues of climate change and the future of humanity. Most importantly, this will be accomplished through the representation of positive fictions envisioning possibilities for our future.
Terra Sapiens is a collaboration with entertainment-for-impact from Lembas Works and The Terra Sapiens collective
Homo Naturans Mariette Raina @Phylactere_ontheroad
Collaboration with @phylactere_ontheroad & @kingpinur
Collaborators for Terra Sapiens exhibition 2019
Creative producer / Composer Tara Baswani. Executive producer / eco spatial design Remi Lemieux. Set Design Veronique Meignaud + Damian Siqueiros. Electro acoustic sound design Moses Baxter. Interpretes / interpreters: Mariette Raina, Kiara Felder, Alisia Pobega, Paco Ziel, Diana Leon, Hamilton Nieh, Claudia Chan Tak. DOP + montage video / video editing: Guillermo Castellanos. Assistant au directeur / director’s assistant: Andres de la Rosa. Conception costumes / costume design: Natalia Baquero + Danielle Fagen. Couturiere / location seamstress: Masha Smushkevitch. Maquillage / makeup artist: Ariane Prefontaine. Choregraphe / choreography consultant: Andrew Skeels. Effets speciaux / special effects: Francisco Fonseca.
Scientific contributors